Church founders and other personages

The Reverend William Morrell and Mrs Eleanor Morrell
Founders of the original church
(photograph very kindly provided by the Morrells’ great-great-granddaughter)

Church founders and other personages

Eleanor Morrell
Founder of Stanmore Spiritualist Church
(original name of Enmore Spiritualist Church)

Church founders and other personages

J W Gail
Life Vice President
Stanmore Spiritualist Church

Church founders and other personages

John Oates
Trustee and Secretary
Stanmore Spiritualist Church

Church founders and other personages

James J Ward

Church founders and other personages

Alex Cooper
Life Vice President
Stanmore Spiritualist Church

Church founders and other personages

S A Twelvetree
Honorary Vice President
Stanmore Spiritualist Church

Church founders and other personages

Emily Cross-Turner

Church founders and other personages

John K Bennetts
Life President

Church founders and other personages

Walter Priestland
1 April 1965

Church founders and other personages

Alice Scott
President for 35 years

Church founders and other personages

The Reverend Margaret Dent

Church founders and other personages

The Reverend Marcia Quinton

The absence of any photograph of Patricia Cleary is quite deliberate.