• 27 November 2009

    Terence Goldberg acts for four plaintiffs in Supreme Court proceedings

    Terence Goldberg of Turner Freeman Lawyers acts for Patricia Cleary, Matilda Vila, Caroline Allen and Miranda McCarthy in Supreme Court proceedings 2009/00291458-001.  One Order only is made in these proceedings, in that each party is to pay their own costs.

  • 23 June 2010

    Terence Goldberg provides false instrument to Supreme Court of NSW

    Terence Goldberg files an Application with the Court for assessment of his costs, and in such, fraudulently claims to have acted for the sixth defendant in the above Court proceedings.  The sixth defendant (the church) was, in fact, unrepresented.  A copy of the said false instrument can be found here.

  • 3 February 2011

    Certificate of Determination issued against the sixth defendant

    John Bartos, costs assessor, having been led to believe by Terence Goldberg that the sixth defendant was in fact a plaintiff, issues a Certificate of Determination against the Enmore Spiritualist Church Incorporated in the amount of $124,661.90.

  • 15 February 2011

    Terence Goldberg obtains judgment debt against sixth defendant

    Judgment debt is issued by the District Court, Sydney, in the amount of $124,661.90, against Enmore Spiritualist Church Incorporated.

  • 17 May 2011

    Associate of Terence Goldberg seeks winding up of sixth defendant

    Jon Lindsay, a long-time acquaintance of Terence Goldberg, in a meeting of creditors at the office of Jones Partners, liquidator, while claiming to be owed the sum of $85.00, puts forward a motion to wind up the association known as the Enmore Spiritualist Church (sixth defendant).

  • 21 June 2011

    Premises of 2 London Street, Enmore, sold for $965,000 to pay purported Turner Freeman debt

    The only asset as owned by Enmore Spiritualist Church Incorporated, ie the church building, is sold as part of the winding up of the association in order to pay Turner Freeman’s disputed debt, with the sale having been arranged by Michael Jones, liquidator.

  • 20 December 2012

    Turner Freeman paid in full by the liquidator to the amount of $188,303.60

    NSW Fair Trading confirms that Turner Freeman was paid in full to the amount of $188,303.60 on 20 December 2012, some $63,641.70 in surplus to the obtained judgment debt.

  • 29 May 2014

    Terence Goldberg attends 'meeting of creditors' at offices of liquidator

    Terence Goldberg attends ‘meeting of creditors’ at the offices of Jones Partners, despite having been paid in full some 17 months previously, and is also the only attendee at this meeting (rendering the said meeting void).  In this meeting Terence Goldberg provides financial advantage to the liquidator, and discusses the creation of a Trust and also a new entity by the name of The Congregation of the Enmore Spiritualist Church Incorporated.

  • 21 October 2015

    Creation of sham entity called The Congregation of the Enmore Spiritualist Church Incorporated

    Turner Freeman Lawyers sets up entity to act as a receptacle to receive fraudulently obtained funds, with such entity headed by Jon Lindsay, long-time acquaintance of Terence Goldberg, with such entity also being registered to the given home address of Jon Lindsay, at 3/349 Bourke Street, Darlinghurst.  This entity has no actual purpose or function and exists in name only.

  • 16 December 2016

    Creation of The Congregation of the Enmore Spiritualist Church Foundation Trust

    Trust set up by Terence Goldberg with the assistance of Perpetual Trustee Company Limited, with its sole objective being to provide funds to the abovementioned sham entity.  The surplus funds as owned by the original entity were received by this Trust after being held for some years by Mr Michael Jones, the liquidator.

  • Between 30 June 2016 and 1 July 2017

    Moneys passed to sham entity from Trust

    As per the website of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and the financial statement of the abovementioned Trust, the sham entity by the the name of the Congregation of the Enmore Spiritualist Church Incorporated received the amount of $492,307.00, which, of course, was received from the said Trust.  However, what is of interest is that the said Trust still holds the remaining amount of $493,140.00.

    This therefore means that the Trust, in the first instance, received an amount of $985,447.00.  This sum exceeds by far the assets left over from the winding up of the original association.  Where did it come from, and why is the sum of $493,140.00 still held by the Trust?

    The Financial Information Statement for 2017 for The Congregation of the Enmore Spiritualist Church Foundation Trust can be found here on the website of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

  • 2017/2018

    Where has the money gone?

    As at June 2019, both entities have provided financial statements to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.  The Congregation of the Enmore Spiritualist Church Foundation Trust has $517,980.00 in its account (as here), however, the sham and non-operating entity known as The Congregation of the Enmore Spiritualist Church Incorporated holds the paltry sum of $4,700.00 in its account (as here).

    Where has the almost half million gone?  Quite simply, a tale of fraud and money laundering.